Module 1
Facial Rejuvenation: Injectables with cadaveric practice and
emergency management
12th December 2020
We introduce you to the different kinds of injectable products and describe their indications, applications, and how to deal with emergencies and complications, including the use of hyaluronidase. Our teaching is based around the use of the popular MD codes as developed by Dr Murthy's mentor - Brazilian Plastic Surgeon Mauricio de Maio.
We then go to the practical lab to identify the anatomy, safer injection planes and all candidates perform practical injections with different Allergan products including cheeks, jawline, temple, lips and midface. Every candidate has an entire individual cadaveric head. Treatments are taught to include rejuvenation in all parts of the face including the highest risk areas.
£1100 (incl VAT at 183)
To book contact us

Module 2
Hands-on Cadaveric Oculofacial plastic Surgery Training
13th December 2020
We provide personalised day-long tuition with a high faculty to student ratio. You will learn both common and advanced oculoplastic procedures. including ptosis, blepharoplasty, skin cancer reconstruction, brow ptosis, entropion and ectropion repair as well as mid-face lift as part of an extended blepharoplasty.
Due to the small number of participants (maximum 10) we are able to personalise the surgical experience to cater for all levels of experience. Each candidate has a full cadaveric head to operate on throughout the day. There will be both didactic dissections and surgical demonstrations as well as supervised learning.
This course caters for those applying for ophthalmological training, plastic surgeons, ophthalmic registrars of all levels as well as dermatologists engaged in Mohs reconstructions.
£800 incl VAT (at £ 133)
To book contact us